REHYB@DTU: Transforming Therapy with Digital Twin Gaming

14.12.2023. Human Digital Twins (HDTs) have recently emerged as promising tools for various healthcare applications. However, most applications utilize HDTs as passive data repositories. DTU team explores an alternative conceptualization of HDTs as active, engaging elements in serious games for rehabilitation.

REHYB@TUM: Workshop on ReHyb Low-Power platform at TUM

10.10.2023. On 18th – 20th September, the ReHyb team gathered to collect user opinions about the ReHyb low-power (LP) device for final improvements before its evaluation with patients at Schön Klinik Bad Aibling, starting in November 2023. The LP device is a spring-loaded exoskeleton developed by IUVO, combined with FES and EMG modules developed by TECNALIA. It is operated using various control methods developed by the TUM team and fully interfaced with the gaming environment offered by the Radboud University team.

REHYB@ÖSSUR: Sustainable development

15.09.2023. In this post we will share some general thoughts on what needs to be considered when introducing sustainability into development process. One of the UN sustainable development goals is “Responsible Consumption and Production “(goal #12). For designers and manufacturers, this means trying to meet this goal through smart design using methods and materials that have a low environmental footprint.

REHYB@STELAR: The Future of Privacy – Predictions and Challenges 

04.09.2023. In the rapidly evolving digital age, dealing with advancements in technology especially in the health sector, and personal data privacy is becoming increasingly complicated. As encryption technologies and data protection technologies and decentralized data systems advance, this can give users more control over their information.